Monday, October 06, 2008

You will smell something burning after reading the following.

Web contributors ''are attention seekers not altruistic'' - Health – Lifestyle – MSN India

Kindly read the above report. It is a small report and you would not have to spend much time to read.

You will start smelling something burning by the time you are done with the report.

Alas, even the Hewlett Packard is involved in such a type of activity. I am using their products. But I never knew that they can be in impolite activities.

Wikipedia is now having its own life. It is an idea which has come true. At one time, even I had criticized and doubted the authenticity of the contents. Even many people, who are established scholars, had done the same thing. But I believe now many of them are using it and adding to it without telling it to the world. They are not paid and MSN they do not mind.

I remember that how the MSN once roped in Aamir Khan with great fanfare on net to grab the attention of the netizens when Mangal Pandey had been released in order to promote their blog service. I believe, now Aamir has his own website with a blog on it.

When I started, I never cared to check how many people had visited me. By the way, do they have this as a right of monopoly to adopt the practices of a successful business and consider that ethics and morality have to be sincerely followed by others. And if others do not do that, they are the self proclaimed moral police. They believe that morality is for others and profits are for them.

Well, I can not write on it further as the clip on msn report is replaying itself and disturbing me.

It is indeed a Cyber Mole type of news. I think I should now state some aim for this blog.

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